sourdough pancakes

“One should not attend even the end of the world without a good breakfast.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, Friday

sourdough pancakes

Happy Friday to you all. Treat yourself to a wonderful breakfast this weekend, in the presence of your beloved, while the sun hangs around longer and the temperatures head closer to the positives x

Sourdough Pancakes
Recipe from Frugal Feeding
Makes 6-8

This is yet another way to use up the ‘discard’ of your sourdough starter! Love that it is still bubbling away, about 6 months on, making its presence in every loaf of bread, pancake or tortilla we make. If you’re not much of a pet person, stow it in the back of your fridge, simply stirring and feeding when you remember or when you need it – mine has gone 2 weeks with no issue (just stir that seperated liquid back in). I absolutely recommend using a cast iron pan for a beautiful crisp outer, and an even cook throughout. Keep cooked pancakes in warm oven until ready to serve.

2 eggs
150ml (3/4 cup) milk
120g (1 cup) plain flour
100ml (1/2 cup) sourdough starter
pinch of salt
25 (1 1/2 Tbsp) butter

1. Break eggs into bowl, whisk in the milk, flour, sourdough and salt. Melt the butter and incorporate too.

2. Heat a dollop of butter in frying pan. Pour in about 3/4 cupfuls – cook on both sides until golden. Serve hot with fresh fruit, yoghurt and real Canadian maple syrup.

6 thoughts

  1. Mmmmmmmmmm!!!


    Love your breakfast quote and keen to give these a go. I only need to get a sour dough happening.

    We are still relatively wild and free. Wild pigeon on ciabatta for dinner tonight. Miss you guys

    Ian and E

    • Ooh having a sourdough starter is great – no doubt you’d be using it in all your beautiful ciabattas. A book for you to get from the library… Artisan Bread in Five. I think you’d love it! Mm pigeon :P Miss you both x

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